"hide...in the most lovely places few ever go to..."
"and try and figure, how on earth one reaches ... nope forget it.. twenty years ago i wrote one thing on my notepad, even if decrying the phrase ' how do we sex up environmentalism'? and all that happened is a twee utterly virtue-signalling, load of mentally eviscerated non people went and ... well, what did they 'do'? .. certainly not even persuade the neighbour to leave the bloody hedge clippings in a pile...for the hedges... and that includes the wildlife actual cop... who ignores the wildlife law on when to cut hedges... my schism began quite a few years ago..in truth..."

(live, now)
"what do you do?" ... "get over, the truth, rather well, and always smiling real smiles and up at 5.10am every day full of hopeful beans, getting over: that there was never any point doing anything.."
So it is time to share, beauty. Lots of it. And so many truly beautiful stories (yes for one, still, i know the only audience i wish to reach..even if...)
of simple life. Super simple...