(SO MANY TYPOS STILL IT IS DAFT...someone said to me "theyre kindof cute.." well that isn't me, but every word i have written even emails for may years are so so of the moment (but a lifetime of travel, thought, and art and literature too...is all literally in movement...on the hoof... as i meander here and there - and never enough time to sit for hours making it readable...and yes old keyboard still bust...every key to be whacked hahh hahh....so be it...i know what is in my mind... but often cannot read the screen myself, as i sit in the sunny van cab, almost always to write..and the glare means it impossible to see my own waffle and cant and vanity...herein )
And artsy pics...
Now, behind each of these there are many stories
oops i think i did this one - even if i havent told the story, yet