Tuesday, 23 May 2023

sales oppurtunity

 one forgets, but excepting one many year exception  - a film of an important legal change that saved many mothers from a fate worse than death (as a most senior Appeal Court judge wrote in respect of  a 'cause' I alone successfully championed, into REAL lore..) i never tart anything online.

But as a many year thinker, landloper, observer from the sidelines of the farmers' markets, real Socratic style politician - gentle rhetoric to attempt persuading the peeps face to face from the OTHER side (no green or progressive ever can do - or wishes to - they only love to 'reach out' to their own...why they fail - as has every egalitarian and green initiative ever and UK became Singapore on sea  - WITHOUT Singapore's genuinely pleb-focused, real, communist hosing policy which  properly shares out housing to ALL no matter what and virtually blocks property profiteering )  persuading by stories (of Krauts being genuinely wild in bed for example, rather than the nonsense all read online, especially the uk so called pro European people who know NOTHING of real Europe... "fuck off Macron, you even come past Pau and us real people of the Pyrenees will feed you to the aspes of la   VallĂ©e d'Aspe  ") ...their brexit may not have been so bril an idea..

UK society is finished. The total self regard years ago took over everything...i like only the humblest quiet non-people...

I knew a few...real ones. 

Even if writing a bit of reality is a noble necessary duty...  that isn't attention seeking, it is the only reason 'shamans' for example, are allowed and not still burned at the steak... progress via the excellent written word from the likes of Voltaire...

But i know ..it all went backwards, in subtle insidious narcissistic - indeed fascist-lite (at present) ways...

UK finished...epicentre of really lost sheep - most with footrot from inactivity.. with fancy facebook followings  - bet none of their friends would follow them to the chippy unless they thought there was some advantage...

However... rats leaving a sinking ship, need a feed before the jump into the waters..

Hay festival used to be great.

One could hear 25 years ago with a few hundred others, the likes of  true intellectual peace man Michael Ignatief, etc

Then London bought the whole thing and turned it into the ultimate soma dispensing theme park

where any con man or woman with a bit of charm can sell anything 'special' to any passing sucker (they all wear the comme-il-faut grin like Alan Richkman - google him)

flyers on some expensive therapy, or solution to all woes of city neurotics, as meaty as cats piss.. do VERY well...

rip em off.. Rome already burned; the shamans and Harry Potter readers, saw to that.... grab a last lingering ember at Hay,  to swap for the last ticket out...on the boat, to safety

And i love to wander ... only for five minutes..playing at ripping off such gullible people who just know they are the intellectual creme de la creme... 

and I have a few spare tents... and know where camping cannot be stopped.. for free

(this is not 'wild' camping.. nor 'wild' swimming quite essential, the site workers  so lazy the showers all pong...- more absurd pathetic townyisms.....it is on commons where real people died to have real legal rights, so others can be also free to have some real life... sleeping under stars as we have done forever..)

And the real last schism, was just a few days ago - the man on the hill, a man one would have hoped had a mind - some years meandering around in his van,reading (he says), writing (he says - though i would like to see evidence)... a little for-pay sageing... a manifesto for peace..he says... 

And yet he cannot even countenance a fact ..his 'beloved' 'Albion'.... pumping more arms for-profit... (just as earlier warmongers' leasing terms) into Central Europe than any other 'European' country...and Russians aint supid, if they ever do wish to make a point...in his Albion's land...   

But that isn't in truth so interesting...what is gloriously real and alive,and 'energising' - in the real way - meaning there just may be at least after a decade or more of nonsense, a chance at REAL communication...about reality

Because the sad reality of just about every person for some years i have ever reached out to, and observe..sometimes, still.....is without any doubt, absolute rabbit-in-headlights, fear... 

fear ... complete, stuck, silent fear...all around... they certainly don't even believe in their non-zealotish, more balanced 'faiths'...they may gently attempt to monetise,  or they wouldnt be stuck in fear...


It's laughable... and laughter was the only ever answer to anything human... (as even Stalin's victims wrote of in REAL books)

But with all their special solutions, they forgot that... because i is free.

(real efical sales op..... a good book and pod on how to really really  really BE 50 something... without spending any extra cash on anything... smilingly accepting ANY reduction in circs and knowing that there is a genuine silver lining always even if one doesnt get around to writing a post about it as one is too busy trying out some new love..or the like...purpose - real purpose.... that which Allways bolsters, no matter what... because it is real good... no matter what the fools may say ) 

And guess what, The Black swan, was once - a decade ago, even real....

You have to simply, jump...

It is impossible to know how one will feel after any decision or change...

I jumped, with the last person on the planet i would have ever predicted i would, into a truly worst ever horrid little 'community' of lost ranters - albeit in the most glorious wild unkempt dysfunctional  hidden away large slice of a county, for me to roam alone - all the rest too lost in psychodramaticly getting fat... imaginable.. 

and it tuned out to be the best REAL 'growth' and living, and real evolution ..i could never have imagined,  and on our first walk down to the large (nature reserve - what a joke..they mow the banks all summer... despite only about 5 visitors ever) 'Pool'...  there she was, one of only about half a dozen of the cheeky bints in the whole of the sceptic Aisle... a real one, there...just for us...a fine cheeky black...so full of herself, so brave and curious in us....  and i got a snap
But i knew about Taleb's superb fable long before... why real reading, helps real life...

Black Swans... know no fear... because.... it is impossible to know where they may pop up, and what they are for...but they do exist, if we do...sometimes just let go. And expect nothing. Ever...