tally high...
So, having tried.....
Today, we hear, the Lady, of the Lords... speaking with that so fashionable little rent in her voice; that pure performance of vulnerability and sorrow, for her....
she MUST have 'psychedelics' on the NHS.....
Well, that is the final schism of all, because she will get them - or at least a mindset that demands there is some special thing one can take to get through problems people have had forever....
When getting through problems, with a clear mind, no drugs, no booze.....nothing as a crutch or special measure, of something we CANNOT know what it really does....
Is in fact the only true mindful wellness ferkin JOY and genuine inner peaceful existence. And any outside therapy or drug, never mind the drift - that is all it is, a dilettante drift, to gobbling any old drug that may increase 'perception' or even worse 'awareness' simply takes away from the rue gift: a human mind that is remarkable in how it may turn hard things into depth, and even wisdom....
which CANNOT logically ever happen, if one takes any drug...
And to spend a few weeks attempting assistance to someone yet again (though they hide it well - they perform so brilliantly) just hooked on not even getting 'high' but just stuck, lost in needing their substance they are 'addicted' to - but hide it with Oscar winning performance of every charming word... and silly notion of 'retreat' and 'community', when t is all just avoiding the need to suport oneself more or less independently, is ... the end
Because these sad people now are everywhere...
of course they are just tourists. But cannot for a moment even be a ....
Well, the one reason to tour my region, is walk the hills...
And even that was a performance....
Now....i have the best actual real insight of all into what was the end, years ago... but even i was in a silly-fool denial of the fact
the drug use.... simply IS what most became...
And it cannot be good, because good is a reasonably functional mind, not mitigated by any outside force or substance, except one if ever possible, a helpmeet ...and of course actually doing real onging, day in and out, tough love parenting to children...