Friday, 27 December 2024

So, what do I know....


If i drop dead today...All of life all of mine  what's the real one identity above all: Well, more than anything else, that one cannot be two personhoods in one person.

That does not mean you 'hate' the 'sinner' it merely means you have to decide which of two persons you are.

You - no one, can be a Pilgerite,

 and  either take the money of, or have any kind of meaningful 'relationship', with the whole complex SOCIAL complex around, the money men,  even their actual brothel keepers - most of London is...

And the woman - my own Katrina, if they are one thing - international humanist fairly pacifist according to their book cover. And even books. If they sell out for some big pot of cash. Sadly that is in fact the personhood they ALWAYS were.

EVERYone in the 1980s .. except about maybe 3 or 5% knew pornography is bad.  Nope, errata,  almost everyone...  some of us (80s) had porn focused friends - more the kind of really seedy occasional gathering of men for in-crowd fun nights where there would be semi hooker porn stars present, hookering later on after a few drinks....  we would sort of nod along with the rare men like that in lost approval, but we would never join them. It  was simply over a line. 99% knew where the simple line was of gathering to watch or pretend friend women hired in to pretend to be happy being objectified

Unfortunately the internet came along and as was always the case it has the circuitry of the American Constitution which allowed also, as well as  essential Free Speech sunlight, freedom to live off one of the worst drugs: pictures of naked women.

It's funny really when one listens to American so called intellectuals like Harris  - and many many more of the international broadcasters who spiv the system, they actually  entirely ignore this surely massive thing IN America: if the internet as was said maybe 15 years ago is  maybe 40 or 50%  pornography, it is  - was for sure...mainly American men consuming it... warped by it!
Yet one hardly ever hears anyone in fact almost never, speak of that fact.

And the 99% of us whom in the 80s, 90s,  would never dream of going along with the 1% to their seedy nights in some sports hall in Watford or Crawley and i am sure many places in between,  ended up 20 years later having ... being... warped by pictures of these events all fake of course...
SO you have to simply say you are for it or not.

And what do we have a pornographer king is speaking now to your children via Tateland...

And all the 'authorities' can ever more do is focus on child perversion porn quite rightly  but no one says stop.... 
And you have some silly girlwoman on radio 4 Boxing day  employed, paid by the BBC who will be texting all her so called educated friends later on " i got to say 'Pornhub' on the BBC"

As this tragically awful woman would have a interestingly in that awful year 2016 in her 'manistream' so called art using the words 'anal sex' 5 or 6 times...

what is 'anal sex'?  despite (it was hilarious listening to Evan Davies a few years ago as the results of the first national census to include sexual bias,  announce the you could hear it in his voice " well we all know its maybe 10% ....  thats strange it.. the actual population.. report it is still only a  pretty small minority of a few percent)
despite...what exactly? I don't think there are words for Disneyfying what adults still do with one another the great majority..

But what is 'anal sex'...?  well one thing is for certain is  that unless one is in the few percent of men who in a rightly free society find their human touch, even 'love' via same sex conjugation,   it is not 'sex' for 50% of our population, the woman. She has no sex organs, no  erotic zones, no desire-juice membranes in her bottom.
ahhhahhhh i hear: theres a definate thrill in bumhole fiddlin...

Just like farm animals (no disrespect to them or anyone else)  when a heterosexual man is going through long periods of 'stress' - the Mammon's military industrial complex whole mad world of turbo capitalism / consumerism brought to us from the 80s...or even existential attack regarding his children or identity - the real one..... sometimes one - i should imagine most men at some point,  may   discover a kind of weird anaesthetic thing around his back passage... in fact playing with it is not much different than an anaesthetic drink of something to change ones 'mood'... escape... 

Farm animals under real stress - be it terrible noise from machinery continually on, or extremely cramped conditions   sometimes can be observed doing stress-response sexy things...

All the above quite hard to put in inclusive everyone is free language...

But one thing for sure - it's not sex for the woman...

And you pop onto Pornhub you will find rather a  lot of   women's bottoms being used for something that isn't sex for them, and isn't really either for most men...

Anyway...   what do i know - sitting on the fence will eventually spear you up your bum fatally.

And your world of Pornhub if its looked at reasearchedly you will find that it all escalates to mainly being about sticking it in the bottom...  which i don't  even call sex. (we did know this in the 80s! - it was on a par with doing it with a sheep .. obviously not the real thing) 

Either you think pornography is a wonderful full liberating new welcome frontier or you think its a disastrous turn of events which leads millions - i bet more than half! of men in their 20s  constantly suffering terrible compulsions that they cannot escape from and also leave them as drained as any crack pipe once the thrill has gone... almost worse at least on the crack pipe you may have some original creative new thought. Though myself lucky to have given up any 'mind altering' habits except real hard life, 35 years ago... i know one thing for certain, mind altering stuff is at least slightly engaging with the now  and seeking to sort of alter it.... pornography  is engaging with NOTHING. It is only one way - sucking humanity out of the user... 

There is no midway or compromise.

So, the rest - that which i hope is the actual identity of a younger person - if the porn hasnt entirely sucked the identity out of everyone around them

(and silly him in his Che t shirt merely pimps some absurd new man version of it being something to brag about  - its tragic - as we! then.. 80s... knew that we needed to grow up and modify the generation above us' behaviour...nope... they all lost their actual minds..he had a great one, once...)

...  poor things no one told them: you cannot be both....  a Pilgerite and also around the ... (bourgeois construct as it became about what THEY - at first the men...put in their mouths....   i am quite sure around the time of the Ancient Greeks plenty of fine minds realised that really was a  bit limited..

And anyway all that matters is the cultural construct of the NOW...  35 years ago  anyone who made life about sticking fancy things in ones gob which is all epicureanism became... or rather revved up then via the 'foodie' movement ... that won..i know when i lost...

(" for some years io cannot even say and be LISTENED to " food is fuel...only...ideally nutritious and vitamin rich and not full of bad stuff but to me it is only fuel.."...astonishing the amount of times i have said that and it is impossible that anyone ever remembers it identity.... except eating is NOT any identity

 its merely a mundane necessity...)

But 'politics' even if Britolish are post political - which means dead.... cos life has unfortunately always been political ever since agricultural surpluses created surpluses  with which to play power politics even if its within your backstreets...

either you are for egalitarianismishness... or for excesses.. theres no in between.   

In between hurts you... one side of the road or the other... in The Road you may as well be in Mr Mccarthy's awful book... dead.

But above all, reading good books is a box of  PAndoras Boxs...

And there are not enough lids in all the world, once a few are opened

I think modern society is only one of three choices except the choosing is out of our hands: you are either among the maybe majority just lost sheep ... via rubbish tv and parents with no wisdom ever to share (they kindof know some but darent utter it); you read some good books and you are either on the side of Ivan..or on the side of Ivan's  concentration camp gaolers... there is only a life of hurtstaying in nomans land 

Usually self harm of one form or other. There are many forms of course.

But all this 'sides' - for a decade but expsecially the last 6 or 7 years of the awful thickest minds in history from J Haidt to Jordan but then all your childmen Konstantin Kisin all of them...ALL!

A great women with a good platform - Oxford Uni authority researching REAL 'science' in 1999 if my memory is accurateish... Dr Susan Greenfield  came over the wireless as i was for some months sat working then a lot on my super trendy small screen laptop - an 11 incherish...

" looking into small screens our research has found makes you feel REALLY REALLY SHIT"  

Feeling a bit shit  - about life humanity politics identity everything...i listened and thought " damn me i cannot KNOW if she is right but it would explain something a bit weird.."

And  the small screen broken or at least i listened and more or less from then kept off small screens... 

If i know anything, i know she was and still is right...

Myself i only use small screens occasionally - almost always first thing in the morning (the shittinessitis in them can be washed out if outdoors ideally walking for the afternoon or otherwise not using them at all ... ) 

And i only listen/watch but mainly listen to the occasional PROGRAM - i never interact with a screen at night.... if as is the case 3 years especially in the winter its too cold to really read a book  - hands have to be above the duvet ... i just have a quick look for some saneish voice...

but there is no half way.... that i discovered years ago: small screens or any screen interaction - email or night after maybe tea time..make you feel shit and do mess up years of great sleep auto-habit  

And 99.5% of the time i keep to that... basically only a genuine real emergency makes me break that habit..

the definition of small screen making you feel shit is that they make any  'normal' human fizziness feel like the end of the world...

oh yes i forgot ... 

so we are ...not 'divided' into two sides of argument/ politics/ even family.... we are made to wrongly feel shit by the main 'communication' device of the last 15 years....  unless you know exactly what it is: something that will NEVER allow you to feel nice...

so an occasional tool to set up face to face meetings or if you know someone really well to share occasional wisdoms to bolster them figuring the world ..

otherwise there is only one word: detante...  in the 80s 90s... a great word...  but implicit - the context... everyone alive knew what it meant HARD WORK .. figuring strategies to go forward.

Unfortunately those two sides - the PIlgerite or the user... are so cold warrior, that yes hard work is required...

Very hard so hard one ,may as i did decide to retire behind my wall .. wrong way of putting it. Thirty years ago i knew  that in the cities - especially so called capitol cities, and London the sadly new-wonkiest of the lot.... 

well how do you put it? 

spivvery ... the spivs everyone knew were dangerous... flash cars...flash everything...flash restaurants

spivs ruin everything...  especially sane conversation about the rest of the world beyond their sad small minded spivvery..

But London became the centre for them  - i know as io still meandered other cities for my work none of which went spiv anything like as much as London of the mid 90s...

So, there is only half decent books...

With half decent books inside us we are one side of that fence...

sitting on it never works.

And then.... if anyone had said to me or any sane person i knew in the 80s that the vudu quacks would so so 'take over'  i would have said dont be daft or in fact as we had so little knowledge of their work in USA we would have thought such to be the words of a real madman ...

All i know though is the limited minds of even a great effort i have to say!!!

(i smiled when he got to him in the last section i havent before seen this mans ok work...) 

" and then i realised that Eckhart Tolle is using the same extremely pernicious  long understood dodgiest psyops nasty strategies..." i didnt think he would draw the line....   as the Tolles became of course conman 2.0 so so much more subtly multi connite.... an industry based on some far more complex software but always the same one underlying  flawed way of

False friend false "hiuman" .....whatever....

Just a simplistic way to manipulate other humans into one way or other coghing up some cash....  rather than doing the hard work to cleaning lady or make something real.... or write some authentic truth

(we all get sucked into the spiv world i nearly did mid 20s ... lucky escape i  couldnt swim strongly enough to get to their side of the riverbank and after a few years floundering midstream was washed back up on the sore i did always know inside me safer and at least not based on her muddy swamp bank,... so ikt may even be partly random if we are undercurrented back to the side of the bank we Pilgerite belong to.... but the journey is horrid!!! ,)

Great stuff....except for one problem: it is NOT the more televangical .. even Brand or the rest of them who get some (highly produced) traction...

by definition someone making good documentaries largely based on what he finds online - those who rise to a few million subscribers... or views..

misses the point.... sadly... especially as was easy enough to see 2021 ...  but it started 15ish years ago....

 hundreds of thousands of ordinary men and mainly women who... didnt want to be a cleaning lady.... adopted the same tragically flawed approach THEIR SMALL CIRCLES

see if i can use these same easy money principles (BUT THEY NEVER SPOKE OF MONEY JUST 'RELATING') 

it is everywhere... flooded The Marches slowly from 2010ish....all over the SW  everywhere 

it is so sad.

there are only two states of being: either one side of the river or the other. One side you build your boathouse on or with wood thats the real honest simple stuff - not at anyone elses expense... the other side, it is all a slight con..

even a slight con leaves the CONNER... kindof messed up and sad....

only detente works... i bit....     which is always based on some 'truth and reconciliation' 


That's all being "human" is

Thursday, 26 December 2024

The one great Italian (halfbreeding the only actual answer to anything 'human')

" right between the eyes...girl..." least we can kindof speak the truth, of an actual  - some say with authority "genocide" no one's interested in. Even if for centuries it will become the story of "now" ... " i cannot think of the logistical support being arranged up there, down my road, for the Jenny  Cideres ....  ...I am too busy looking at absurd childman Eckhart's videos..or counting my cashbox from ....entertainin' them" 

But i know and have for decades there are two ways  to shoot a child in her face.
The second, to say and do nothing.

All that actually matters.


But as if to prove a point wow how slightly interesting

Half a Mick - though the real version not the fantasy mythlot

(see below even if no signal to even slightly elegantly aestheitcalise...i always loved HER eyes - i KNEW she was real....)


Vivienne Patricia Scialfa (/ˈskælfə/ SKAL-fə;[1] born July 29, 1953)[2] is an American singer-songwriter and guitarist. Scialfa has been a member of the E Street Band since 1984 and has been married to Bruce Springsteen since 1991. In 2014, Scialfa was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a member of the E Street Band.

Early life and education


Scialfa grew up in Deal, New Jersey on the Jersey Shore.[1] She was the middle child of Joseph Scialfa and Patricia (née Morris) Scialfa.[3] Her father was of Sicilian ancestry and her mother is from BelfastNorthern Ireland.[4] She also has half-siblings from her father's second marriage. Her father was a successful local entrepreneur, who started a television store and became a real estate developer.[5] Scialfa began writing songs at an early age.

Asbury Park High School


She attended Asbury Park High School, where she graduated in 1971.[5] Following high school, she first began working as a back-up singer for New Jersey bar bands.

University of Miami and New York University


She began college at the University of Miami's jazz conservatory at the Frost School of Music,[5] and later transferred to New York University, where she earned an undergraduate degree in music.

In 1994, she told Lear's Magazine that she had little talent for anything but music and that she attended college as a way to further her ambitions as a performer while also satisfying parental expectations.



A group of people on a stage

Description automatically generatedScialfa performing with Springsteen and the E Street Band at Hartford Civic Center in October 2007

While in college at the University of Miami and later at New York University, Scialfa began recording original music for other artists. However, none of her songs were recorded.


ohhh i  wish i could have collected her, propper.... in the permanent collection; the great Pole.

purpose of photo on Loe Bar August 2023  - the hat.. the same one. Not mine. Kept...on board just in case

Righty ho if i can find it again a wonderful brownman says out loud a week ago " 'community'... a great excuse for doing nothing.."

One 5 or so km from Hellstoned.... all the shamans and variants on yoga mats all around - many dozen..... all full of such 'no judgement' fascism....  the only judgement being "why didnt all of you especially your hunky surfy childmen  you all display, help her.... your neighbour.... sort out that ten tons of quite good wood left some years to rot..."?  of course if one ever said they would stab even harder.

ohhh...i have many...

artistic Perrinesque imageries....many

but they need story, too

so 2021 " ohh my gosh paradise! a REAL woman !...something to actually say if she takes her mask off"

the silly English so long they steal others symbols

But pity the poor immigrant who has no idea where she has pitched up...

To a place in the 70s and 80s which had the most perfect culture: 

Wry metaphor

Reginald Perrin walks in to work and most days the signage has symbolically 
fallen off.

Nothing about any 'empire' or religion or mumbo jumbo but how even then the paucity of the hamster wheel was well and truly understood.

Soon: my preciouses having relaxed into at least one cause 

" yes...i look FAR younger than even my mate aside who is six years younger but as she dyes her hair we both know she looks six years older than me....sixty three"

And another, as an actual 'performer' of course must perform some jogic bullshit as sales pitch rather than " your goregous hair is way way more artful than anything you ...[ may warble]..."

so yes... the alocoholic 20 years ago rather than open up and be motherly about her little issue....   pimps the worst crap ever invented. Amazing he isn't Italian in fact.

oh yes so soon one must collect together the i now realise total tsunami of them - the i don't want to be a cleaning lady so lets figure out how Zoom works....

It is far far worse than even i thought 

there is a link of course.

And one of them no one notices him 

 all too busy plotting how to be noticed. 
Not actually thinking 
of what a curious example to be setting

righty ho  above all behind all NO "coherent communication" none ever....

not even her

But her - of late, in fact the one 'tragedy' because i know she at least does see through the utter hamster wheel of Mammon, and especially the medical moaning Mammonism,  educating her four outside the system...  

" i shall keep your book in pristine condition so that you can pass it on to someone else as 'new'..."

we will return to him later i am quite sure he still thinks he matters.

anyway back to the weird lot i dont know how his photo ended up in my photoREAL journey around London-on-sea  a year and ahalf ago

oh yes he was at Sian's church up the hill above that shitcreek

sad i lost hertoo


So a random:

ohh fuck him i thought he was dead years ago, the Stern one...

But wow... the only interesting person surely in the whole of the modern culture i know nothing about... except to see her so perfect loping..landloping around the stage 
it still makes me know what actual "bodily justice" is 

 from the Hymn of 2020 theres a much better one where she lopes like a hungry jaguar back and forth but for now

(aww...will they play it? sat together perfect real two tangoing for so long....  tragedy is listening to her so many times listened to with her supreme harmonising - equalising her Boss.... but 73 now too old cannot quite do it any more... lifes short carp the ferkin diem.... NOW)

the perfect Art
of Relating

But, was it real? 
I have no interest ever in any so called fact of any 'celebrity' (except the GREAT la LA dancer)
couldnt give a damn about fantasy...

Furthermore every one i have ever ever ever met is so tragically THICK

as am i for missing the punchline yesteraft : iof there are far more 8 ratings than the rest, you end up with only mad fascist madness and actual Italian ate the shit as well as everyone else stole the food...

no so called musician i ever met ever had a brain ever especially if they have famous parents.... 
one of mine had a RESPONSIBILITY to father...not 'too', as his own was too busy being mad in The MAdlands....

 But to keep to the point

All needs weaving together one day maybe into the little Miss Rocket face....
who knows
Except if you go to Londomn pimping fantasy to buy more fantasy your so called people can never have anything intelligent to say

especially as the London of the late 80s started to go wonky the superb best publication in ALL of Europe by far always reliable Time Out: read Jerszy's PAinted "Bird"... if you want to grow up.... or go see THree Colours, all three of them and relish every kaleideskopic second  if you want to be real "human" ... go see REAl Italy in some real photos ...maybe even..

But when ... well it started to forefront: go see  the amazing culture of bongo bongo land  this months highlight... 
Almost always in the same Barbican or 'community centre' lobby ... 

Being TOLD  that some ethnic thing someone is pimping to (make themselves look good as they found a Bruce concert too loud for their sensitive little souls...LITTLE souls....)

is when it all started to go very wrong 

Obviously there have been many great 'other' civilisation  attempts to say something new or big or just anything.... 
But plenty of Britolite  so called art was just fake and made up... and had nothing to say as i am quite sure is exactly the same in respect of the 'ethnic'...
But when one was TOLD it is always whoop whoop the best in town this month..
BYt weak minded ones without any life stuck in late at night in time Out nothing else to do....

Was when....

everyone stopped growing up

well..... to my shock horror 

And it MUST be due her Belfast side even more as all i know in life is the Northern Irish ... Sean Mc P....
so many

are the most 'real' people i ever knew..

I had no knowing really of him or her
even if Badlands and so many are better than fake old Bob 

But to hear " Me and the Missus...  Missus in CHARGE....  maybe we have kept our kids provably sane because there is absolutely NOTHING of Mrs and Mr Boss in our whole house..... in fact it isn't our is THEIRS.... in any child's house  they are the performer and we....mere audience.... thats how we did it we are THEIR AUDIENCE..... even now they dont much care who WE are...." (no alcoholic can ever manage of course as alcohol make sit all only about.. them )

Wow the only sanest parent thing ive ever heard in perfect poetry and the actually believable performance and...

(never mind assessing free speech even if the Stern one started the madrants... full circle means indeed, comments...... if only we werent all so cheesy  and all the REAl stories were put in, too.... then indeed we may have a real chance of learning about so so much we merely...perform)

Meanwhile The Eve....
of another nonday

Yes one Robin..... the ultimate tragic parasite, still... centuries, on




yes  before it all went ...'forced' .. the precursor to 'woke'

THERE WAS a finest culture... the poor Italian immos of course weren't told was here.... because it was based on NUANCE and perfect backbone and actual modernity...not some fake version of 'antiquity'.

Jo Brand the modern REAL brand that lasts as it was actual modern art, post all the piss pots of the past

So, as so so often....

Well, myself i would have given them a nice little warm island rather than Ivan's cold living grave, and sent them off with a pat: 

the family was held in Yekaterinburg, where they were executed in a basement on 17 July 1918.

I only mention as it is irrelevant - most saner societies doing away with inherited privelage decades ago or in some cases centuries,  other than one Lord... even if as a Northern Scallywag  from Ragged Trousered lands  (even if that one set in the South)  

But it is always the same problem: THE great woman.... the greatest, really - all my contemporaries enjoyed and we never jeered her - that's REAl talent.... on the wireless yesteraft


JO Brand... (" ohh all MY contemporaries said marriage was a repressive institution...but well... we did it anyway"...why she is so stable and wobbles on decades later i guess) 

quoting so beautifully out of it

Anyway....anyone with a bit of a brain in the 80s  knew the Jo Brands rightly had taken actual real modern civilisation a few steps on to the correct elevator.

But in those early 90s, knowing enough of reality...

(one curious thing one COULD prove now if one didnt want to be polluted is it was around then - most men in fact 99% of men were really quite against pornography....  but one encountered just occasionally the aficionado - and porn meant international porn...  i dont think i even saw any real porn myself or maybe once or twice - definiotion being has a stiff dick in it doing something...

It certainly wouldnt have occurred to me popping regularly to Amsterdam to go shopping for it...

But it wasn't Amsterdam which was the issue. Most Dutch porno-vendors in fact didn't hold much Italian porn...

(ohh yes at last a silly 30 something woman actually uses the word 'Pornhub' on radio 4  5 or 10 ish to ten today, in that girlie excited way of you can't say that, word, unless you are me, cos i went to the right modern university)


 Because as i was told on good authority by one user i knew back then: " well it's not for anyone except the rather bizarre extreme minority as Italian porn [one could research later on the last few years via Pornhub was a huge homegrown industry obviously MOST apart from American Dutch or jolly happy German....] ALWAYS ... ends up with the woman being fucked up the bottom.."  

And even if in pre absurd little Fleabag times when whatserface Waller Bridge sensationalises "anal sex" by inserting that perverted concept into her bad script quite a few times almost all sane people knew that its not only weirdly disrespectful, it isn't even 'sex' it's something for the depraved and lost poor  boys of .... well... where on earth does it come from...

Probably as some subtle national 'cultural' response to some of the most depraved violence in Europe in poor Iti land...

But...  all sane people knowing that up the butt is from neurotic weird sickness.... but...

I myself have zero interest in a people - poor people....who seemed to get stuck

Buttfucking behind closed curtains or whatever... i meandered much of Europe in the 80s and 90s and there was never any joy in Italy... nor in fact any sane talk

The only thing that actually interests me a bit ids how weird the Britolish are...

And THE LORD even if a real one would say " ehh you can keep this where it belongs, on a shelf of antiquities.." - his 'Lord' ship...

Delivers as so often out of the blue:


"what a bore..... nothing intelligent to listen to even if Jo Brand last night was utterly wonderful a real gift...but Bragg is off on some trinket bullshit nonsense...[ohh i must remember i saw inside a really plain house 2 weeks ago i couldnt believe it - THREE large new plasma televisions or whatever they are called...'For The English To See' as the fine Portuguese memed 2 or 3 hundred years ago... and i even saw the dance program with the confected 'national treasure' blindman..i didnt think it could be quite that banal anal and fuckin an empty vase.... i was actually shocked]  ...oh well its misty and mizzly i am stuck indoors... "

And there we have maybe THE most interesting REAL history of Britolin i have ever heard...


but even further back than i had thought, even if Britolin isn't worth more than one thought a year at most

mid 1700s even earlier the lost loony Britolish (what did the woman academic say something about drunk ex public schoolboys wandering Italy mid 1700s... )

(as halfbreed Heidi  livin in the place, told me 2 years ago " dont bother with Italy they copied the Greeks "...well i knodof knew that 30 years ago on my travels there but didnt have authority to say that she does MFA scholar )

So basically and this IS foundational civilisational .... the thieves of the world with their rich Empire 1700s all would ponce off on holidays down to Italy ending up in Greece..its a free country or world, ish... unless you are a poor Italian porn star of the 70s who cannot eat unless she gets rammed hard up the bum before breakfast... ohh yes this isn't a few one offs nope a whole indsutry of  hundreds of two hour bumfuck extravaganzas....  not dubbed into English either ....

But  such behaviour BEhaviour.... is only always as a result of weakness....

poverty lostness whatever ness...

Anyway the thing about England - as its elite the real cash the other 'nations' never got much of a look in... i could never understand in the 80s occasionally around the rich of London (merely by accident - at breakfast after a party at their etc...)

why this affair with Italy?


Its a dangerous lost shithole always was Tuscanny not even that beautiful really... Croatia for example much more lovely

You never meet ANY sane decent women even in the Rough Guide approved nice coffee bar in Milan...none.... no modern (we progressed) culture ever ever ever at all.... 

Yes good try in the 60s with some modern art house cinema otherwise.... not even a decent pop song

And if one is aware of the REAL England - extremely weird sexually deviant ex public school boys and girls...

why Italy? why did almost every single elitish London type sort of bristle at 'Italy'... 

Ok they like fake copied art... its a free world....  but obviously there was something deeper i could never quite understand.

Obviously if you go to boarding school by definition you are still hurting inside and need some time in a death cult .. all that lovely 'MAFIA' violence - they didnt have to be so horrid they could have dealt all their drugs  bullied everyone with far less violence in fact... 

Obviously its a bit cultish...  English loving their sadism ... i get that.... almost every English ritchie i ever met, mention Italy and they bristle or juice up with something i never understood...

And then clearly the same thing happened as they 'imported' many Italians into the London of the 80s.... 

in short they... fetishized Italians....  (and i am sure quite innocently in that few knew of the almost default position - up the bum) 

But why....?? i never ,met one with ANYthing modern or cultured to say ever... 

Merely mummy's boys' silly DILLETTANTE kindergartenspeak every single one...

BUt good old LORD Melvyn.... wow at last i DO get it:

basically they were invented .... by the English... a whole almost made up 'aesthetic'....  by the potters  - who as so brilliantly described in fact just the bourgeois constructors, for LOADS of cash...

some drunk ex boarding schoolboys more or less making up something to make more money with to go whoring and boozing in Italy ... and send back home before porn was invented so even Wedgwood could build his fortune upon....nothing but a madeup more or less copied fraud...

'fetishizing' or rather  Dysneyfying a poor people pimped on pots

I feel sorry for them now...

Even if they destroyed any chance of sanity in my.... dot dot dot..

Used... by the English

And all using of anyone merely creates copies:

a nation of users...

The best bit in the Lord Melvyn how the English cheap skate Lady muck wants her copy only painted with fabulous Italianate figures..on one side... so ...her mates can see....

But never touch of course

And anyway one couldnt touch even two millennia ago as the whole thing a whole 'culture'. a whole public immage...a whole myth of some noble Italian warrior not only in it for a bit of anal rape......  kind of made up! Not by US!!!!!

Sounds like i care...all i know is understanding is the key to as always a splendid long sleep of the innocent..

so much more in the can, soon.

Wednesday, 25 December 2024

Well at least her "blueberry juice" makeup won't have poisoned it

Substack audio

The Other Household Conjecture. (Jordan ain't no genius 'Oscar' Peterson). Christianity is an insanity. Unless it actually changes TOHC rating, and they stop the touchin' up.

Published on 17:18

video waffle inserts to come b y 1900

Mister Zee christmas happydad day

 playlist and videos will be featured here at teatime

utterly incomplete
but there isn't really any point.
Except leave behind your ACTUAL real story and add in proof of no self pity. 

utter pigs ear

 bad signal may catch up soon..