If i drop dead today...All of life all of mine what's the real one identity above all: Well, more than anything else, that one cannot be two personhoods in one person.
That does not mean you 'hate' the 'sinner' it merely means you have to decide which of two persons you are.
You - no one, can be a Pilgerite,
Either you think pornography is a wonderful full liberating new welcome frontier or you think its a disastrous turn of events which leads millions - i bet more than half! of men in their 20s constantly suffering terrible compulsions that they cannot escape from and also leave them as drained as any crack pipe once the thrill has gone... almost worse at least on the crack pipe you may have some original creative new thought. Though myself lucky to have given up any 'mind altering' habits except real hard life, 35 years ago... i know one thing for certain, mind altering stuff is at least slightly engaging with the now and seeking to sort of alter it.... pornography is engaging with NOTHING. It is only one way - sucking humanity out of the user...
There is no midway or compromise.
So, the rest - that which i hope is the actual identity of a younger person - if the porn hasnt entirely sucked the identity out of everyone around them
(and silly him in his Che t shirt merely pimps some absurd new man version of it being something to brag about - its tragic - as we! then.. 80s... knew that we needed to grow up and modify the generation above us' behaviour...nope... they all lost their actual minds..he had a great one, once...)
... poor things no one told them: you cannot be both.... a Pilgerite and also around the ... (bourgeois construct as it became about what THEY - at first the men...put in their mouths.... i am quite sure around the time of the Ancient Greeks plenty of fine minds realised that https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epicurus really was a bit limited..
And anyway all that matters is the cultural construct of the NOW... 35 years ago anyone who made life about sticking fancy things in ones gob which is all epicureanism became... or rather revved up then via the 'foodie' movement ... that won..i know when i lost...
(" for some years io cannot even say and be LISTENED to " food is fuel...only...ideally nutritious and vitamin rich and not full of bad stuff but to me it is only fuel.."...astonishing the amount of times i have said that and it is impossible that anyone ever remembers it as...my identity.... except eating is NOT any identity
its merely a mundane necessity...)
But 'politics' even if Britolish are post political - which means dead.... cos life has unfortunately always been political ever since agricultural surpluses created surpluses with which to play power politics even if its within your backstreets...
either you are for egalitarianismishness... or for excesses.. theres no in between.
In between hurts you... one side of the road or the other... in The Road you may as well be in Mr Mccarthy's awful book... dead.
But above all, reading good books is a box of PAndoras Boxs...
And there are not enough lids in all the world, once a few are opened
I think modern society is only one of three choices except the choosing is out of our hands: you are either among the maybe majority just lost sheep ... via rubbish tv and parents with no wisdom ever to share (they kindof know some but darent utter it); you read some good books and you are either on the side of Ivan..or on the side of Ivan's concentration camp gaolers... there is only a life of hurtstaying in nomans land
Usually self harm of one form or other. There are many forms of course.
But all this 'sides' - for a decade but expsecially the last 6 or 7 years of the awful thickest minds in history from J Haidt to Jordan but then all your childmen Konstantin Kisin all of them...ALL!
A great women with a good platform - Oxford Uni authority researching REAL 'science' in 1999 if my memory is accurateish... Dr Susan Greenfield came over the wireless as i was for some months sat working then a lot on my super trendy small screen laptop - an 11 incherish...
" looking into small screens our research has found makes you feel REALLY REALLY SHIT"
Feeling a bit shit - about life humanity politics identity everything...i listened and thought " damn me i cannot KNOW if she is right but it would explain something a bit weird.."
And the small screen broken or at least i listened and more or less from then kept off small screens...
If i know anything, i know she was and still is right...
Myself i only use small screens occasionally - almost always first thing in the morning (the shittinessitis in them can be washed out if outdoors ideally walking for the afternoon or otherwise not using them at all ... )
And i only listen/watch but mainly listen to the occasional PROGRAM - i never interact with a screen at night.... if as is the case 3 years especially in the winter its too cold to really read a book - hands have to be above the duvet ... i just have a quick look for some saneish voice...
but there is no half way.... that i discovered years ago: small screens or any screen interaction - email or anything...at night after maybe tea time..make you feel shit and do mess up years of great sleep auto-habit
And 99.5% of the time i keep to that... basically only a genuine real emergency makes me break that habit..
the definition of small screen making you feel shit is that they make any 'normal' human fizziness feel like the end of the world...
oh yes i forgot ...
so we are ...not 'divided' into two sides of argument/ politics/ even family.... we are made to wrongly feel shit by the main 'communication' device of the last 15 years.... unless you know exactly what it is: something that will NEVER allow you to feel nice...
so an occasional tool to set up face to face meetings or if you know someone really well to share occasional wisdoms to bolster them figuring the world ..
otherwise there is only one word: detante... in the 80s 90s... a great word... but implicit - the context... everyone alive knew what it meant HARD WORK .. figuring strategies to go forward.
Unfortunately those two sides - the PIlgerite or the user... are so cold warrior, that yes hard work is required...
Very hard so hard one ,may as i did decide to retire behind my wall .. wrong way of putting it. Thirty years ago i knew that in the cities - especially so called capitol cities, and London the sadly new-wonkiest of the lot....
well how do you put it?
spivvery ... the spivs everyone knew were dangerous... flash cars...flash everything...flash restaurants
spivs ruin everything... especially sane conversation about the rest of the world beyond their sad small minded spivvery..
But London became the centre for them - i know as io still meandered other cities for my work none of which went spiv anything like as much as London of the mid 90s...
So, there is only half decent books...
With half decent books inside us we are one side of that fence...
sitting on it never works.
And then.... if anyone had said to me or any sane person i knew in the 80s that the vudu quacks would so so 'take over' i would have said dont be daft or in fact as we had so little knowledge of their work in USA we would have thought such to be the words of a real madman ...
All i know though is the limited minds of even a great effort i have to say!!!
(i smiled when he got to him in the last section i havent before seen this mans ok work...)
" and then i realised that Eckhart Tolle is using the same extremely pernicious long understood dodgiest psyops nasty strategies..." i didnt think he would draw the line.... as the Tolles became of course conman 2.0 ...so so so much more subtly multi connite.... an industry based on some far more complex software but always the same one underlying flawed way of Bee...ing
False friend false "hiuman" .....whatever....
Just a simplistic way to manipulate other humans into one way or other coghing up some cash.... rather than doing the hard work to cleaning lady or make something real.... or write some authentic truth
(we all get sucked into the spiv world i nearly did mid 20s ... lucky escape i couldnt swim strongly enough to get to their side of the riverbank and after a few years floundering midstream was washed back up on the sore i did always know inside me safer and at least not based on her muddy swamp bank,... so ikt may even be partly random if we are undercurrented back to the side of the bank we Pilgerite belong to.... but the journey is horrid!!! ,)
Great stuff....except for one problem: it is NOT the more televangical .. even Brand or the rest of them who get some (highly produced) traction...
by definition someone making good documentaries largely based on what he finds online - those who rise to a few million subscribers... or views..
misses the point.... sadly... especially as was easy enough to see 2021 ... but it started 15ish years ago....
hundreds of thousands of ordinary men and mainly women who... didnt want to be a cleaning lady.... adopted the same tragically flawed approach ..in THEIR SMALL CIRCLES
see if i can use these same easy money principles (BUT THEY NEVER SPOKE OF MONEY JUST 'RELATING')
it is everywhere... flooded The Marches slowly from 2010ish....all over the SW everywhere
it is so sad.
there are only two states of being: either one side of the river or the other. One side you build your boathouse on or with wood thats the real honest simple stuff - not at anyone elses expense... the other side, it is all a slight con..
even a slight con leaves the CONNER... kindof messed up and sad....
only detente works... i bit.... which is always based on some 'truth and reconciliation'
That's all being "human" is